What a summer it’s been in Seattle. We actually hit 80 degrees in late May, and here we are approaching mid-June and we’ve had consistent 70-80 degree weather for two straight weeks now! If you’re not from the Pacific Northwest, you’re probably thinking, “Hmm…sounds a little chilly to me.” The truth is, it is usually drizzly, rainy, and cloudy, at least on and off in June. Not this year. Perhaps we’re making up for the 6 snow storms we had this past winter? Or, the snow/hail we experienced in April? Who knows for sure, but I think it’s all Mother Nature’s ploy to try to get TravelGuy and I to stay in Seattle.
That’s right folks – we are moving to sunny Phoenix! We’ve had enough of the grey skies 10 months out of the year (well, ok, not counting this month), and the continual investment in moss remover, duck shoes, sweaters, carpet cleaning (yeah, when ya have dogs in the Northwest, count on a dirty carpet or get wood floors or laminates). It feels like we spend most of our time complaining about the crappy weather, then raving about the 75 degrees when we get it. I seriously feel like the topic of weather is the number one thing we talk about here, and now I’m blogging about it.
Phoenix, here we come! Ok, so we’re not set on where we’re going to live yet, but we have a great list of rental houses we plan to visit soon. Our good friends (Jimmi and Kevin) have been fantabulous in providing feedback, though I DO know that as a native girl from the PNW, if I am packing up and moving to Arizona you BETTER BELIEVE that any house I live in will have a pool. A private pool is almost more important than a bathroom. Well, if you know me, I guess that statement really isn’t true. Anyway, while we get ready to spring from Seattle in favor of Phoenix, we will always remember the great memories we have created here (and in Portland of course!) with our friends, family, neighbors, co-workers – all good times. Let the good times continue in the Northwest, and may we create new memories in the desert.
Good luck on your move.